Tuesday 4 February 2014


Good morning crew members, welcome to another week of great opportunities waiting to be harnessed.

Day in day out, we are confronted with opportunities in the way of problems waiting to be resolved.
People pay us for solving problems. The more problems we solve, the more positive results we get. The more positive results we get, the more revenue we make which keeps us highly motivated to generates more results.  This process will continue all through our lives until we are good enough to generate an automated revenue streaming machine. How well written this problems statement are will help focus our ability to resolve them.

Well-written problem statements help product managers communicate both the difficulty faced in the market and the potential reward for solving the problems. If you stop and think about it you’ll see that problems are actually opportunities. New features, new products and even new industries spring up from people who see problems and find ways to solve them. The key to successfully solving problems is understanding them.

The following steps will help you express problems clearly and help you identify solutions:
  1. Define the problem: Understand the nature of the problem and articulate it clearly so you understand its effects on the people you are trying to help.
  2. Produce ideas: Make a list of things you can do right away to solve the problem. Be aggressive in finding the right solution.
  3. Test the ideas: Discuss the best ideas with your team and test them with customers. Find out which ones resonate.
  4. Choose among ideas: Choose the idea that will best solve the problem.
  5. Plan for action: Write a plan to solve the problem. This plan will most often come in the form of clear product requirements that will guide the development, QA, marketing and other teams to successfully implement a product (or new product features) that solves the problem.
Well-written problem statements are an important communication tool for product managers. Adopting the five stages of problem solving to the writing clear problem statements — and requirements that solve them — will increase the success of your products and give the crew a repeatable process.
Have a great day folks 

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